Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dr. Doolittle's own Practice Room!!

Ok I have a few more late blogs to add, but here is a short recent one.

Today Janelle started seeing patients in her own practice room.  WOW, I am so proud of her, this has been a hard 3-4 months for her.  She went from residency in Seattle to starting her own business a week later and now she has made another step forward.  I have to tell you it is amazing how many people she already knows.  People see me name tag in the park and ask me if I am related to her.  It is definitely a switch of roles for me and her.  Her practice is taking off and she is working her tail off to keep it moving.  Once again I am so proud of her.  Sometimes she comes home and her head is swirling. I can't imagine how it would be to start a business without business training, but she is learning a quick curve and exceeding.  She says she really enjoys the doctor-patient part of the day its all the other stuff thats giving her grey hairs.  Only a few grey hairs ;)  So here are a couple pictures!

1 comment:

Time Wasted said...

I saw your post about fishing the Skykomish from 2008. Can you tell me were the 2-Bit hole is? I have been looking for it all year. Its almost impossible to get a clear answer as to it slocation.